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Public Notices & Current Projects

BOC Hearing Date: October 21, 2024 (Monday)

Time: 7:00 PM, or shortly thereafter

Hearing Location: Community Development Town Hall, 7156 S West St, Falcon, NC 283412

Hearing Item: Rezoning, 0.367 +/- Acres
From: Initial Zoning (County A1 Agricultural District)
To: Town C3 Heavy Commercial District

Subject Site: Located in the Town of Falcon and abutting east side of Interstate95 and south of Rhodes Pond Road

September 30th, 2024

Dear Property Owner(s): The Town of Falcon Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 21, 2024, beginning at 7:00 P.M. or shortly thereafter, in the Town of Falcon’s Community Development Town Hall, located at 7156 S West St in Falcon, NC and will hear the following:

ZON-24-0032: Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District Initial Zoning to C3 Heavy Commercial District or to a more restrictive zoning district for five non-contiguous parcels comprising 0.367 +/- acres of a 107.35 +/- acre parcel; located in the Town of Falcon and abutting the east side of Interstate-95 and south of Rhodes Pond, submitted by Robert & Tammy Dorman (Owner).

A sketch map identifying the location of the above referenced property, shown in a cross-hatched pattern, appears on the reverse side of this letter. Persons who wish to speak at this public hearing before the Town of Falcon Board of Commissioners must sign up prior to commencement of the hearing. A sign-up sheet will be available 15 minutes before the start of the Town of Falcon Board of Commissioner’s hearing. If you’d like to speak on a specific agenda item, please call the Town of Falcon (910) 980-1355.

A copy of the initial zoning application can be viewed by the public at the Department of Planning and Inspections, Room 103, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays but excluding holidays. If you have questions regarding the Planning Board recommendations or the rezoning application 

Departments :
  • Planning & Inspections Department

BOCC Hearing Date: October 21, 2024

Time: 6:45 PM, or shortly thereafter

Hearing Location: County Commissioners Meeting Room, New Courthouse at 117 Dick Street, Fayetteville

Hearing Item: Rezoning, 65.2 +/- Acres
From: A1 Agricultural District
To: R7.5 Residential District

Subject Site: East of Covington Lane, northwest of Interstate-95, and south of Wade Stedman Road and Main Street.

October 1, 2024

Dear Property Owner(s):
The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 21, 2024, beginning at 6:45 P.M. or shortly thereafter, in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room 118, on the first floor of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse, located at 117 Dick Street in Fayetteville, NC and will hear the following:

ZON-24-0029: Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to R7.5 Residential District or to a more restrictive zoning district for two parcels comprising 65.2 +/- acres; located east of Covington Lane, northwest of
Interstate-95, and south of Wade Stedman Road and Main Street, submitted by Scott Brown (Applicant) and Weeks Farm Inc. (Owner)

A sketch map identifying the location of the above referenced property, shown in a cross-hatched pattern, appears on the reverse side of this letter. Persons who wish to speak at this public hearing before the Board of Commissioners must sign up prior to
commencement of the hearing. A sign-up sheet will be available 15 minutes before the start of the BOCC hearing. A Request-to-Speak form can also be obtained by calling 910-678-7771, or by email at atebbe@cumberlandcountync.gov. The hearing will be broadcast live on CCNCTV Spectrum Cable Channel 5.

A copy of the rezoning application can be viewed by the public at the Department of Planning and Inspections, Room 103, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays but excluding holidays. If you have questions regarding the Planning Board recommendations or the rezoning application for this case or
the upcoming Commissioners hearing, please call the Planning Department at (910) 678-7558.

Departments :
  • Planning & Inspections Department

BOCC Hearing Date: October 21, 2024

Time: 6:45 PM, or shortly thereafter

Hearing Location: County Commissioners Meeting Room, New Courthouse at 117 Dick Street, Fayetteville

Hearing Item: Rezoning, 77.22 +/- Acres
From: A1 Agricultural District
To: RR Rural Residential District

Subject Site: Located east of Sherrill Baggett Road, south of Interstate-95, and north of Bend of River Road (refer to attached location map).

October 5, 2024

Dear Property Owner(s):
The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 21, 2024, beginning at 6:45 P.M. or shortly thereafter, in the County Commissioners’ Meeting Room 118, on the first floor of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse, located at 117 Dick Street in Fayetteville, NC
and will hear the following:

ZON-24-0030: Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to RR Rural Residential District or to a more restrictive zoning district for one parcel comprising 77.22 +/- acres; located east of Sherrill Baggett Road, south of Interstate-95, north of Bend of River Road, submitted by Scott Brown (Applicant) and Weeks Farm Inc (Owner).

A sketch map identifying the location of the above referenced property, shown in a cross-hatched pattern, appears on the reverse side of this letter. Persons who wish to speak at this public hearing before the Board of Commissioners must sign up prior to
commencement of the hearing. A sign-up sheet will be available 15 minutes before the start of the BOCC hearing. A Request-to-Speak form can also be obtained by calling 910-678-7771, or by email at atebbe@cumberlandcountync.gov. The hearing will be broadcast live on CCNCTV Spectrum Cable Channel 5.

A copy of the rezoning application can be viewed by the public at the Department of Planning and Inspections, Room 103, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays but excluding holidays. If you have questions regarding the Planning Board recommendations or the rezoning application for this case or the upcoming Commissioners hearing, please call the Planning Department at (910) 678-7558.

Departments :
  • Planning & Inspections Department

BOCC Hearing Date: October 21st, 2024

Time: 6:45 PM, or shortly thereafter

Hearing Location: County Commissioners Meeting Room, New Courthouse at 117 Dick Street, Fayetteville

Hearing Item: Rezoning, 2.00 +/- Acres
From: A1 Agricultural District
To: R40A Residential District

Subject Site: Located at 2388 Smith Rd (refer to attached location map).

September 30th, 2024

Dear Property Owner(s):
The Cumberland County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 21, 2024, beginning at 6:45 P.M. or shortly thereafter, in the County Commissioners’ meeting Room 118, on the first floor of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse, located at 117 Dick Street in Fayetteville, NC and will hear the following:

ZON-24-0033: Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to R40A Residential District or to a more restrictive zoning district for one parcel comprising 2.00 +/- acres; located at 2388 Smith Rd, submitted by Donna and Ebbie Quick (Agent/Owner).

A sketch map identifying the location of the above referenced property, shown in a cross-hatched pattern, appears on the reverse side of this letter. Persons who wish to speak at this public hearing before the Board of Commissioners must sign up prior to commencement of the hearing. A sign-up sheet will be available 15 minutes before the start of the BOCC hearing. A Request-to-Speak form can also be obtained by calling 910-678-7771, or by email at atebbe@cumberlandcountync.gov. The hearing will be broadcast live on CCNCTV Spectrum Cable Channel 5.

A copy of the rezoning application can be viewed by the public at the Department of Planning and Inspections, Room 103, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays but excluding holidays. If you have questions regarding the Planning Board recommendations or the rezoning application for this case or
the upcoming Commissioners meeting, please call the Planning Department at (910) 678-7558.

Departments :
  • Planning & Inspections Department

BOA Hearing Date: September 18, 2024 (Wednesday)

Time: 6:00 PM, or shortly thereafter

Meeting Location: Spring Lake Town Hall, 300 Ruth Street, Spring Lake NC

Meeting Item: Variance from Article IX Section 42-228.a.1, Spring Lake Code of Ordinances, requesting exemption from buffers for the side property line abutting 503 Lake Avenue, for 0.70 +/- acres, located on the east side of S. Fifth Street, 100 feet north of Lake Ave.; submitted by Lori Epler (Agent) on behalf of BBC Enterprises and William S Wellons Jr (Owner)

September 3, 2024

Dear Property Owner(s): The Town of Spring Lake Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, beginning at 6:00 P.M. or shortly thereafter, at Spring Lake Town Hall, located at 300 Ruth Street in Spring Lake, NC and will hear the following:

BOA-2024-0013: Variance from Article IX Section 42-228.a.1, Spring Lake Code of Ordinances, requesting exemption from buffers for the side property line abutting 503 Lake Avenue, for three lots combining 0.70 +/- acres, located on the east side of S. Fifth Street, 100 feet north of Lake Ave.; submitted by Lori Epler (Agent) on behalf of BBC Enterprises and William S. Wellons Jr. (Owner).

A sketch map identifying the location of the above referenced property, shown in a cross-hatched pattern, appears on the reverse side of this letter.

A copy of the application can be viewed by the public at the Department of Planning and Inspections, Room 103, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays but excluding holidays. If you have questions regarding the upcoming Board of Aldermen meeting, please call the Planning Department at (910) 678- 7765.

Departments :
  • Planning & Inspections Department

BOA Hearing Date: September 18, 2024 (Wednesday)

Time: 6:00 PM, or shortly thereafter

Meeting Location: Spring Lake Town Hall, 300 Ruth Street, Spring Lake NC

Meeting Item: Variance from Article IX Section 42-226, Spring Lake Code of 
Ordinances, requesting exemption from streetscape landscaping, 
for 0.46 +/- acres, located at 844 Lillington Hwy; submitted by 
Gordon Rose (Agent) on behalf of David Hasan (Owner).

September 3, 2024

Dear Property Owner(s): The Town of Spring Lake Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, beginning at 6:00 P.M. or shortly thereafter, at Spring Lake Town Hall, located at 300 Ruth Street in Spring Lake, NC and will hear the following:

BOA-2024-0014: Variance from Article IX Section 42-226, Spring Lake Code of Ordinances, requesting exemption from streetscape landscaping, for 0.46 +/- acres, located at 844 Lillington Hwy; submitted by Gordon Rose (Agent) on behalf of David Hasan (Owner).

A sketch map identifying the location of the above referenced property, shown in a cross-hatched pattern, appears on the reverse side of this letter. +

A copy of the application can be viewed by the public at the Department of Planning and Inspections, Room 103, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays but excluding holidays. If you have questions regarding the upcoming Board of Aldermen meeting, please call the Planning Department at (910) 678- 7765.

Departments :
  • Planning & Inspections Department

JPB Meeting Date: October 15, 2024

Time: 6:00 PM, or shortly thereafter

Meeting Location: Court Room 3, Old Court House Building, 2nd Floor, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC

Meeting Item: Rezoning, 200.46 +/- Acres
From: A1 Agricultural District
To: A1/CZ Agricultural District Conditional Zoning

Subject Site: East side of McBryde Street and approximately 4,000 feet south of the Town of Linden (refer to attached location map).

October 1, 2024

Dear Property Owner(s):
The Joint Planning Board of Cumberland County will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, beginning at 6:00 P.M. or shortly thereafter, in Court Room 3 on the 2nd floor of the Old Court House Building, located at 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC and will hear the following:

ZON-24-0034: Conditional Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to A1/CZ Agricultural Zoning District/ Conditional Zoning or to a more restrictive zoning district for two parcels comprising 200.46 +/- acres; located on the east side of McBryde Street and approximately 4,000 feet south of the Town of Linden, submitted by Seth Thompson (Agent) on behalf of Tart & Fairchild Investments, LLC (Owners).

A sketch map identifying the location of the above referenced property, shown in a cross-hatched pattern, appears on the reverse side of this letter. Persons who wish to speak at this public meeting before the Joint Planning Board must sign up prior to commencement of the meeting. A sign-up sheet will be available 15 minutes before the start of the JPB meeting.

A copy of the rezoning application can be viewed by the public at the Department of Planning and Inspections, Room 103, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays but excluding holidays. If you have questions regarding the proposed rezoning application or the upcoming JPB meeting, please call the Planning Department at (910) 678-7765 or -7605.

Departments :
  • Planning & Inspections Department

JPB Meeting Date: October 15, 2024

Time: 6:00 PM, or shortly thereafter

Meeting Location: Court Room 3, Old Court House Building, 2nd Floor 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC

Meeting Item: Rezoning, 14.5 +/- Acres
From: A1 Agricultural District
To: R40 Residential District

Subject Site: East of Mary McCall Road, South of Bainbridge Road (refer to attached location map).

September 17, 2024

Dear Property Owner(s): The Joint Planning Board of Cumberland County will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, beginning at 6:00 P.M. or shortly thereafter, in Court Room 3 on the 2nd floor of the Old Court House Building, located at 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC and will hear the following:

ZON-24-0036: Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to R40 Residential District or to a more restrictive zoning district for one parcel comprising of 14.50 +/- acres; located on the east side of Mary McCall Road approximately 1,100 feet south of Bainbridge Road, submitted by Anthony and Peggy White (Owner).

A sketch map identifying the location of the above referenced property, shown in a cross-hatched pattern, appears on the reverse side of this letter. Persons who wish to speak at this public meeting before the Joint Planning Board must sign up prior to
commencement of the meeting. A sign-up sheet will be available 15 minutes before the start of the JPB meeting.

A copy of the rezoning application can be viewed by the public at the Department of Planning and Inspections, Room 103, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays but excluding holidays. If you have questions regarding the proposed rezoning application or the upcoming JPB meeting, please call the Planning Department at (910) 678-7765 or -7609.

Departments :
  • Planning & Inspections Department

Hearing Date: October 8, 2024

Time: 7:00 PM, or shortly thereafter

Hearing Location: Wade Town Hall, 7128 Main St Wade, NC 28395

Hearing Item: Rezoning, 5.00 +/- Acres
From: RR Rural Residential District
To: R7.5 Residential District

Subject Site: Located approx. 1,050 feet east of Main Street

September 26, 2024

Dear Property Owner(s):
The Town of Wade Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, beginning at 7:00 P.M. or shortly thereafter, in the Wade Town Hall, located at 7128 Main St Wade, NC 28395 and will hear the following:

ZON-24-0035: Rezoning from RR Rural Residential District to R7.5 Residential District or to a more restrictive zoning district for two parcels comprising 5.00 +/- acres; located in the Town of Wade and abutting southside of Wade Stedman Road, approx. 1,050 feet east of Main Street, submitted by Scott Brown, 4D Site Solutions (Applicant) and Weeks Farms Inc. (Owner)

A sketch map identifying the location of the above referenced property, shown in a cross-hatched pattern, appears on the reverse side of this letter. Persons who wish to speak at this public hearing before the Town of Wade Board of Commissioners must sign
up prior to commencement of the hearing.

A copy of the rezoning application can be viewed by the public at the Department of Planning and Inspections, Room 103, 130 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC, from 8:00  AM to 4:30 PM weekdays but excluding holidays. If you have questions regarding the Planning Board recommendations or the rezoning application for this case or the upcoming Commissioners hearing, please call the Planning Department at (910) 678-7558.

Departments :
  • Planning & Inspections Department

Current Projects

North Central Area Land Use Plan

For more information about the North Central Area Land Use Plan click here

Historic Architectural Survey
For more information about the Historic Architectural Survey click here.


Trey Smith
Planning Manager



  • Contact Us

    Phone: 910-678-7600
    Historic Courthouse:

    130 Gillespie Street
    Fayetteville, NC 28301

    Fax: 910-678-7631
    Director: Rawls Howard

    Contact Us

    Phone: 910-678-7600
    Fax: 910-678-7631
    Director: Rawls Howard
    Historic Courthouse:

    130 Gillespie Street
    Fayetteville, NC 28301