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Cumberland County Commissioners Agenda Session Wrap-Up

Sep 15, 2023

The Board voted unanimously to move the following items forward to the Sept. 18, 2023 regular meeting to be approved as part of the Consent Agenda, unless otherwise noted below:

  • ARP Committee Recommendations – The Board of Commissioners American Rescue Plan (ARP) Committee recommended awarding up to $811,118 in funding to 21 small businesses that applied for assistance as part of the County’s reopened Small Business Economic Assistance Program. The County received 38 unique applications from small businesses requesting approximately $1.6 million in funding. Staff also recommended providing 15 businesses that submitted applications during the first round of the program but did not receive the maximum funding amount of $50,000 with an additional $219,623 based on additional capacity. Staff will also bring a budget amendment to the Board for consideration to transfer unassigned funds to support the additional allocations.
  • Intergovernmental Support Agreement with Fort Liberty for Animal Services – Fort Liberty and Cumberland County are seeking modifications to the Intergovernmental Support Agreement (IGSA) whereby the military post pays Cumberland County to respond to animal services dispatches within the portions of the installation located in Cumberland County. The first IGSA was signed in 2016 and was renewed in 2021. Animal Services requested pricing adjustments to the agreement based on the costs to the County for the services rendered. Under the new agreement, the charge for a productive dispatch is increasing from $309 to $639 per animal impounded and the cost for domestic strays or surrendered animals brought to the Cumberland County Animal Shelter will increase from $309 to $534. The agreement is for one year and can be renewed for successive one-year periods for four additional years.
  • Bid Award for Production Drive Extension and Site Preparation for Sandhills Road Industrial Site – On May 25, 2023, Cumberland County solicited bid proposals for construction which incorporates the extension of Production Drive and Site preparation for the Sandhills Industrial Site. The project scope requires clearing, grading, roadway construction, erosion control, storm drainage, all incidentals, and appurtenant accessories. Barbour Brothers Construction Inc. was the lowest responsive responsible bidder at $1,099,908.80 and staff recommends award of the bid to Barbour Brothers. The project is funded by a grant from the Golden Leaf Foundation.
  • National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) Annual Recertification Progress Report – Cumberland County participates in the National Flood Insurance Program’s (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS). The CRS is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements. The County’s participation allows those that are required to have flood insurance to receive discounted insurance premium rates. Cumberland County currently has a class rating of 8 which allows property owners to receive a 10% discount off their insurance premiums for policies within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). As part of the County’s annual recertification process, the Engineering & Infrastructure Department is required to provide an update on each action item related to floodplain management outlined within the Cumberland County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Another requirement involves presenting the progress report to the governing board.
  • Update to the Community Transportation Program Drug and Alcohol Policy – On June 20, 2022, the Board of Commissioners approved the Community Transportation Program (CTP) Safety Plan, which included the Drug and Alcohol policy that is required by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for the use of service contractors. The FTA has updated 49 CFR Part 40, which requires that the CTP update its adopted Drug and Alcohol plan in order to remain in compliance with Federal grant requirements. This policy change went into effect June 1, 2023. Staff requests approval of the Drug and Alcohol Policy addendum.
  • Submission of FY25 Applications for Community Transportation Program Grant Funds and Resolutions and Request to Hold a Public Hearing for Section 5311 Application – Staff requests approval for submission of FY25 grant applications for ROAP, 5307 and 5310, and that a public hearing be held regarding the FY25 Community Transportation Program 5311 grant application, which is due Oct. 6, 2023. This is an annual request that funds the Cumberland County Community Transportation Program, which coordinates existing transportation programs operating in Cumberland County using local transportation providers. The funding period will run from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Funding will be used to provide trips to work, school, medical, and general errands. The Board unanimously approved holding the required public hearing during the Sept. 18 Regular Meeting with consideration of the applications following the public hearing.
  • Resolution for the Northern Cumberland Regional Sanitary Water and Sewer District (NORCRESS) Grant Application – The NORCRESS Water and Sewer District is submitting a project for a study that may be eligible for funding through the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI) funding programs. A resolution for NORCRESS was approved at the April 18, 2022, Board of Commissioners’ Meeting. The project has not ranked high enough for funding to date. The application is being revised to include a study for the service area. An updated resolution by the local government is required as part of the application for funding assistance through DWI for the fall round of funding.
  • Resolution for Landfill Leachate Treatment for PFAS Grant Application – Cumberland County Solid Waste is submitting a project for landfill leachate treatment that may be eligible for funding through the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI) funding programs. A resolution for landfill leachate treatment was approved at the April 18, 2022, Board of Commissioners’ Meeting. The project has not ranked high enough for funding to date. However, the scoring criteria has changed to include addressing emerging contaminants which is included in this project. An updated resolution by the local government is required as part of the application for funding assistance through DWI for the fall round of funding.
  • Request Proposals (RFP) for Property Acquisition Services –The County is seeking a qualified vendor to negotiate purchases for land and provide other related right-of-way services such as acquisition of easements. The County is seeking to obtain property for capital projects, which include the development of a public water supply using groundwater wells. The groundwater project will require the acquisition of real property for use as well lots, treatment plants and elevated tanks. The Public Utilities Division advertised a Request for Proposals for these services on May 24, 2023, and received two proposals. Staff reviewed the proposals and scored them with The Right of Way Group, LLC having the highest score with a proposed cost of $598,500. Funding for this agreement is from the Capital Investment Fund for Gray’s Creek.
  • Bid Award for Crown Coliseum Elevator Modernizations – On Aug. 16, 2023, Cumberland County solicited bid proposals for the modernization of the Crown Coliseum Complex elevators. CMC Building Inc. was the lowest responsive responsible bidder with a bid of $522,870. The scope includes replacement of elevator cab, cabling and controls. The project was funded in the FY 2023 Crown Coliseum budget appropriation and there are sufficient funds available. Staff recommends awarding the project to CMC Building Inc.
  • Architect Selection for Cumberland County Homeless Support Center – On July 10, 2023, Cumberland County advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Professional Services for Programming, Design Services and Construction Administration for the Cumberland County Homeless Support Center. The County received three responses and a staff committee evaluated submissions with LS3P scoring the highest. Staff recommends the selection of LS3P for this project. The Board voted unanimously to move this item to the Sept. 18 Regular Meeting agenda, but directed staff to bring it back as an Item of Business to allow the public to see the presentation.

 The following items were approved to move forward to the Sept. 18, 2023 Regular Meeting, but not unanimously, meaning they will be added to that agenda as Items of Business:

  • Service Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas for Hydrogeological Services – At the June 19, 2023, Board of Commissioners meeting the Board accepted the selection of HDR Engineering, Inc, of the Carolinas as the best qualified engineering firm to provide Hydrogeological Services to assist with ongoing study, assessment, evaluation, and development of groundwater for public drinking water development and granted permission for staff to enter negotiations for detailed scope of work, cost of services and to prepare an agreement to bring back to the board. The resulting Service Agreement is for an amount not to exceed $225,000 and the term of the agreement will be for 12 months following execution. The agreement will be funded from the Capital Investment Fund for Gray's Creek. The scope of services include: Identify Potential Well Lots, Test Well, Development Assistance, Well Construction and Observation Services. The Board approved moving this item forward in a 5-to-1 vote.
  • Service Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas for Water Resources Study – At the June 19, 2023, Board of Commissioners meeting the board accepted the selection of HDR Engineering, Inc, of the Carolinas as the best qualified engineering firm for the Water Resources Study to assist with ongoing study, assessment, evaluation, and development of a new water source for public drinking water development and granted permission for staff to enter negotiations for detailed scope of work, cost of services and to prepare an agreement to bring back to the board. The resulting Service Agreement includes the preparation of a preliminary engineering report. The agreement amount shall not exceed $325,000 and the term of the agreement is 10 months following execution. Funding for this agreement is from the Capital Investment Fund for Gray's Creek. The Board approved moving this item forward in a 5-to-1 vote.

The following items will not move forward to the Sept. 18 Regular Meeting for consideration:

  • Membership to Local Chamber of Commerce – Cumberland County has been invited to join the Greater Sandhills Chamber and The Hope Mills Chamber of Commerce. The Board voted unanimously to table this item and asked the County Manager to bring back additional information.

Commissioners received the following monthly reports in their agenda packet:

  • Financial Report
  • Health Insurance Update
  • Project Updates

The Board went into Closed Session to discuss Real Property Acquisition pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(5).

Meetings are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. All associated documents to this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.

You can also follow the Cumberland County on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.