FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – The following is a summary of the Feb. 8, 2024, Cumberland County Board of Commissioners Agenda Session, which was held at 1 p.m. in Room 564 of the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse. To view the agenda and supporting materials for this meeting, go to www.cumberlandcountync.gov/bocmeetingmaterials.
Kevin Quinn and Ed Boardman, of USI Insurance Services, presented preliminary health insurance renewal options for the County for the upcoming FY 2025 plan year. This presentation was the first of two presentations the Board will receive from USI regarding FY 2025 renewal. The presentation included FY 2024 year-end projections and FY 2025 renewal options. Based on current year experience, Quinn said USI is projecting a cost increase of 12.2% in FY 2025, but said they would have more exact numbers in March. He also suggested the County adjust its plan for providing employees who meet certain requirements with a wellness discount on their premiums and discussed the impact of the growing usage of GLP-1 weight-loss medication on the County’s costs. The Board of Commissioners provided feedback, which USI will incorporate in its next presentation. That presentation will take place during the March 14 Agenda Session, with a request for approval during the Board’s March 18 regular meeting.
The Board voted unanimously to move the following items to the Feb. 19, 2024 regular meeting to be approved as part of the Consent Agenda, unless otherwise noted below:
- Fiscal Year 2023 Response to the Independent Auditor's Findings, Recommendations, and Fiscal Matters - April Adams, of Cherry Bekaert LLP, previously presented the FY 2023 audit results during the Board’s Dec. 14, 2023 and Dec. 18, 2023 meetings. Based on the findings, the County is required to submit a Letter of Response to the LGC containing a corrective action plan signed by at least 2/3 of the governing body, the County Manager and the Finance Officer. The response must be submitted by Feb. 12, 2024.
- Matching Funds for the CAB Program and Associated Budget Ordinance Amendment B#240911 - Staff recommends reallocating $3 million of the County's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Program funding that was designated for physical plant modifications to Public Facilities toward Restoring Pre-Pandemic Staffing and to use the additional General Fund capacity created by this reallocation to provide the County match to the Completing Access to Broadband (CAB) Program. Staff recommends using $2.8 million as the 35% required match for the CAB Program and designating the remaining $200,000 as unallocated within ARPA freed-up capacity to supplement ongoing and future projects.
- Resolution Authorizing the Expenditure of Opioid Settlement Funds and Associated Budget Ordinance Amendment B#241417 - Cumberland County is set to receive $30,822,230 in Opioid Settlement Funds over 18 years.The Health Department requests permission to use $650,000 of these funds to support a three-year pilot program to establish a C-FORT Recovery Center in an existing county building (707 Executive Place). The aim of the recovery center is to reduce overdoses and deaths through the provision of the following recovery support services: weekly overdose prevention education classes, weekly Smart Recovery Group Peer support services, referrals to treatment and other health services, overdose prevention supplies (masks, Naloxone, Xylazine and Fentanyl test strip distribution, disposable rescue breathing masks), and UberHealth transportation to recovery support services for participants. Funding will support renovation and repairs to the proposed space along with three new positions.
- Gray's Creek Water and Sewer District Water Main Extension Capital Project - Phase I and Associated Capital Project Budget Ordinance #241062 – Staff requests Board approval to establish a Capital Project Ordinance for the Gray’s Creek Water and Sewer District Water Main Extension Phase I, which has an estimated cost of $35,625,744 and includes funding from various sources.
- Intent to Sell and Exchange Certain Property in the Cumberland Industrial Center – The County Attorney recommends the Board adopt a Resolution of Intent to grant a temporary license to the owner of property adjoining Research Drive in the Cumberland Industrial Center to cross the County’s property in order to expand their existing industry on another property until the owner is able to obtain a survey, which will allow the owner to acquire the County’s property. The Board is required to conduct a public hearing on this item, which will be held at the Mar. 4, 2024, regular meeting.
Commissioners received the following monthly reports in their agenda packet:
- Financial Report
- ARPA Quarterly Project and Expenditure Report as of Dec. 31, 2023
- Health Insurance Update
- Cumberland County Public Health Quarterly Statistical Report on Inmate Health Care
- Project Updates
Meetings are live streamed on CCNC-TV though the County’s website at cumberlandcountync.gov, YouTube Channel and on CCNCTV Spectrum Channel 5. All documents associated with this meeting can be found on the Cumberland County website to include meeting agendas, minutes and links to the videos under the Board of Commissioners tab.
You can also follow the Cumberland County on social media by searching CumberlandCountyNC.